Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Animation media. 2D animation

The word "ANIMATION" means creating movements to a still object. The actual trick, behind the animation is persistence of vision. (i.e. keep image of an object in our retina in 1/16 sec). The movements of the object is divided into 15,20,30 frames like the movements of a real object. In TV it is 25-30 fps and in film it is 24 fps. The changes in frame make us a feeling that the object is moving. Generally animation is divided into cartoon animation, web animation, and 3d animation.
Animation industry a section of IT has a turnover of over 4100 cores and much of the profit comes from computer graphics and character animation sections. It is predicted that this profit will rice to 5000 cores in 2005and 10,000 cores in 2008. Experts believe that out of the one lakes opportunities to be created in IT in 2008 much of them would be from animation section.

We can classify the computer animation in to three namely 2D , 3D AND WEB animation

2d animation
The special feature of cartoon animation is its extra ordinary movements of character. Through the cartoon animation was the main part of visual media before the arrival of multimedia, its method was very complicated and expensive, each and every movements of the character were drawn and recorded in the film, or tape as the rate of 15 fps. When this was played we can see the movements of the objects to which animation was given. Here the artist himself did all works.

With the arrival of the multimedia the work of the artist is limited to drawing sketches only. The artist is needed only to give a registration sign (position info) in the frame. The sketches draw in the way are copied in the hard disk and painted in the computer with the help of special software’s. Making necessary changes, increasing and decreasing of the speed of movements, checking of visual jerking etc, are done with the help of these animation software’s.

After making the character sketch the next step is the drawing of the background. The angle of vision of animated objects the background should be same. More than one character with different types of background and various types of frames are complied in the frame using the technique called layering. After background composition the movie is checked and make some final re-touches and this is transferred to video files. This process are easily done with animation software., Example US-animo, flash.....2d animation is the most costly sections of animation. People with a good drawing skill have get more chances.

2D ANIMATION has the different process namely Pre-Production, Production and post production


This is the first step of animation process. The story of an animation picture is formed through collective discussion. Since most of the viewers are children, the story will also related to them.

The theme and time of the story, materials used in the story are described in detail in words. Along with the figure of the character, their contact, personality, position in the story and their relation ship with other character. The story bible is treated as the reference book of entire movie.

Most script follows the same format in the animation industry. I.e. main points, structure, characterization and dialog. These are written under the guidance of animation director.

Character designing
The artist draws sketches of the character as per the description given in the story bible. This is known as character designing. Comparing to traditional drawings character design is done using construction method (circles and rectangles are used to make figures in this method). This method helps keep same structure of a character that is drawn by other artists.

Style design is another reference of style & structure of character & structure. Example suppose we draw a tree in background, we must keep this style through out the movie, similarly others
Creation of storyboard is the next step of animation process. Storyboard is planning your shoot with drawings of how each scene will look. It helps you to imagine how your finished animation will look. A good storyboard will save your time while animating.

-pre-production ends here-

Production process begins with layouts, background designing, animation, cleanups and in betweens, animation checking etc. Light box is the most important equipment used in the production process. The artist draws sketches using light box.

The layout artist does the work of a camera man and art director in a cinema. Layout artist separates the character and background in each frame in a storyboard and places in appropriate position. He has a good knowledge about perspective and composition. He also arranges the character and background layout, speed & movements of camera etc.

After layout designing production process is divided into two. Character layouts are moved into animation departments and background Layouts are moved into background sections


The backgrounds of the animation movie are created from these sections. Watercolor or other painted is used in traditional way. Software like Photoshop is used now a day to make the picture attractive.

The actual animation process takes place from here. Animators of animation departments give the movements to the characters and objects according to the layouts. They animate the characters based on the direction prepared in the X-sheet by animation director. Character movements, camera movements, Mouth- expression of the characters will be recorded in the X-sheet.

• ……………Animators are helped by assistant animators (i.e. cleanup artist) and they are helped by in between artist. The cleanups artist draws the cleanup poses and in between artist draws the poses in- between them. The key animation makes note of the number and position, speed of the character in the animation tape.

• ……..Animation is checked by different steps by animation checking departments. The quality of the animation is decided from here. Character models, movements & expressions are exposed from here. if mistakes are found they are send to retake.

The actual role of computer in animation process comes only from this section. Scanning, composting, editing, beta conversion are come under postproduction section.

Layouts are scanned using a scanner and copied to computer Hard disk.

Mixing different scenes in to one (Eg: Characters are mixed in backgrounds scenes)

cutting the unwanted scenes, mixing audio, creating titles fixing the length is come under this section

Audio and efects
Suitable sounds and effects are mixed in an alternative way.

Beta conversion:
The last step for animation is Beta conversion. I.e. convert the movie in to beta tapes for publish.
And with these process animation movie is completed.

Software : US.ANIMO,Tonboom, macromedia flash etc


Anup Narayanan said...


My name is Anup and I am interested in talking with you to do animations and cartoons. Can you contact me on 09900596276 ( I am in Bangalore)

Lijugraphics said...

u can cm oine
add me lijukarolil@gmail.com

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Creative and logical sections of humen brain